
曼彻斯特,NH- 亚博棋牌游戏Allegro MicroSystems(纳斯达克代码:ALGM),全球运动控制和节能系统传感和功率半导体解决方案的领导者,今天宣布签署收购Heyday集成电路(Heyday)的协议。Heyday是一家专注于紧凑、全集成隔离门驱动器的私营公司,该驱动器可在高压氮化镓(GaN)和碳化硅(SiC)宽带隙(WBG)半导体设计中实现能量转换。Heyday的收购将补充Allegro现有的能效解决方案,包括其市场领先的当前传感器解决方案。此外,预计它将显著扩大Allegro在电动汽车(xEV)、太阳能逆变器、数据中心和5G电源以及广泛的工业应用领域的可定位市场。亚博尊贵会员
Allegro技术和产品高级副总裁Michael Doogue表示:“随着高性能GaN和SiC宽频带隙系统在未来十年的显著增长,我们的客户正面临着对简化电源管理解决方案的指数级需求。”“高压隔离栅极驱动器是未来高效电力系统设计的一项基本使能技术。加上我们市场领先的集成电流传感器,Heyday的Power-ThruTM技术将使我们的客户能够建造一些当今可用的最小的高压和高效率的电力系统。”
Allegro Power ic副总裁Vijay Mangtani表示:“我们期待着Heyday的天才和创新团队加入Allegro大家庭。“当收购完成后,我们将大大加快我们的努力,为绿色能源、先进移动和运动控制解决方案中的高压设计提供一个市场领先的节能技术平台。”
亚博棋牌游戏Allegro MicroSystems(纳斯达克代码:ALGM)正在重新定义传感和电力技术的未来。从绿色能源到先进的移动和运动控制系统,我们的团队热衷于开发智能解决方案,推动世界向前发展,为我们的客户提供竞争优势。凭借全球的工程、制造和支持,Allegro是全球大型企业和区域市场领导者值得信赖的合作伙伴。访问www.wangzuanquan.com.
前瞻性陈述是基于管理层当前的期望、信念和假设以及我们目前可获得的信息。这些陈述受到许多已知和未知的风险、不确定性和假设的影响,由于各种重要因素,实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中表示或暗示的结果存在重大差异,包括但不限于:未能及时或以其他方式获得Heyday收购的适用监管机构批准;不满足全盛收购的其他交割条件的;与我们实现Heyday收购的预期收益的能力相关的风险,包括我们整合Heyday业务并实现估计的成本节约、协同效应和增长的能力,或者该等收益可能比预期的时间更长的实现时间;与Heyday收购和整合相关的意外成本相关的风险;一般经济状况的低迷或波动,包括COVID-19大流行造成的低迷或波动,特别是在汽车市场;COVID-19导致的封锁和抑制对我们的供应链和客户需求;我们有效竞争的能力,扩大我们的市场份额,增加我们的净销售额和盈利能力;我们弥补产品平均销售价格下降的能力;模拟半导体行业的周期性; shifts in our product mix or customer mix, which could negatively impact our gross margin; our ability to manage any sustained yield problems or other delays at our third-party wafer fabrication facilities or in the final assembly and test of our products; any disruptions at our primary third-party wafer fabrication facilities; our ability to fully realize the benefits of past and potential future initiatives designed to improve our competitiveness, growth and profitability; our ability to accurately predict our quarterly net sales and operating results; our ability to adjust our supply chain volume to account for changing market conditions and customer demand; our reliance on a limited number of third-party wafer fabrication facilities and suppliers of other materials; our dependence on manufacturing operations in the Philippines; our reliance on distributors to generate sales; our indebtedness may limit our flexibility to operate our business; the loss of one or more significant end customers; our ability to develop new product features or new products in a timely and cost-effective manner; our ability to meet customers’ quality requirements; uncertainties related to the design win process and our ability to recover design and development expenses and to generate timely or sufficient net sales or margins; changes in government trade policies, including the imposition of tariffs and export restrictions; our exposures to warranty claims, product liability claims and product recalls; our ability to protect our proprietary technology and inventions through patents or trade secrets; our ability to commercialize our products without infringing third-party intellectual property rights; disruptions or breaches of our information technology systems; risks related to governmental regulation and other legal obligations, including privacy, data protection, information security, consumer protection, environmental and occupational health and safety, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, and trade controls; our dependence on international customers and operations; the availability of rebates, tax credits and other financial incentives on end-user demands for certain products; the volatility of currency exchange rates; risks related to acquisitions of and investments in new businesses, products or technologies, joint ventures and other strategic transactions; our ability to raise capital to support our growth strategy; our ability to effectively manage our growth and to retain key and highly skilled personnel; changes in tax rates or the adoption of new tax legislation; risks related to litigation, including securities class action litigation; and our ability to accurately estimate market opportunity and growth forecasts; and other important factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on May 18, 2022, as any such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website atwww.sec.gov及我们网站的投资者关系网页investors.allegromicro.com.