

由Gary Pepka,All亚博棋牌游戏egro Microsystems,LLC



当前智能车辆控制系统的革命主要依赖于被称为磁传感器集成电路(ICs)的快速发展的物理检测技术。这些非接触式磁性传感器集成电路的复杂性、可靠性、灵活性和功能性几乎消除了最新一代汽车几乎所有应用中对机电开关的需求。然而,伴随着复杂电子设备使用量的增加,人们对难以检测的系统级风险的担忧也随之增加。这反过来又使汽车工业把重点放在汽车功能安全上。ISO 26262功能安全标准概述了包括预测分析在内的开发过程,以将风险降至最低。这一过程,反过来,需要先进的诊断能力,直接集成到磁传感器集成电路系统。本文研究了一种新型磁传感器集成电路,该集成电路采用创新的嵌入式固态线圈进行端到端系统测试,实现了集成诊断。


Open the door of any recent-model automobile and you are immediately surrounded by an invisible network of electronic sensors. They detect seat belt buckling, window or sunroof pinching, gear shifter position, engine transmission rotational speed and direction, and camshaft position, to name only a few applications. The penetration of real time sensing into these applications has been made practical by developments in various types of non-contacting magnetic detectors (i.e. Hall effect, Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR), Anisotropic resistive (AMR)). In addition to having very small form factors, these state-of-the-art, solid-state, semiconductor ICs are cost effective, power efficient, non-contacting, and gather a pervasive data stream in the harshest environment of vehicle engines with the subtlety to respond to the slightest of changes in vehicle conditions.

这些检测系统提供了高级的计算复杂程度,提供了高度的输出置换。这在实现功能安全性每ISO 26262时提出了挑战,因为设备状态复杂性和几乎无限各种车辆操作条件的组合使得所有使用场景和故障模式都不太可能通过设计或在测试程序中发现。鉴于可能需要几乎瞬时反应来保护乘客并保留车辆,这些巧妙的检测系统必须能够自我诊断,并且通常在运作不当时甚至纠正自己。




集成电路可以提供次优的输出,因此汽车使用需要额外的安全措施,以避免不合理的残余风险,根据汽车安全完整性水平(ASIL),ISO 26262。ASIL指定安全目标,而不是描述整个系统或组件。严格的ASIL D级要求制造商遵循严格的开发指南,包括故障模式影响和诊断分析(FMEDA),以量化甚至非常低的故障风险。这些复杂性要求进行全面的诊断,以确保检测到系统级故障并启用安全(跛行回家)模式。



Redundancy has many forms. A system can include a pair of non-contacting, magnetic sensor ICs in close proximity to each other. Each sensor IC has its own power, ground, and outputs, so if one fails, the other takes over after diagnostics detect a failure. A complementary sensor IC may be used simply to inform a controller that its cohort is not switching when it should. Moreover, there are sensor ICs capable of self-diagnosis, able to inform the controller when it is not operating properly, without the assistance of additional sensor ICs.

Enabled Diagnostics in Electronic Magnetic Sensor ICs



自诊断的最新进展,特别是涉及应用磁场分析的阶段,是在磁传感器IC芯片上使用嵌入式检测线圈。一个例子如图2所示,霍尔元件被一个嵌入线圈包围Allegro MicroSystems A1160 unipolar Hall-effect switch. 这提供了一种经济高效且节省空间的解决方案,无需外部磁场调节结构来集中和引导环境磁场。




该装置遵循典型的单极霍尔效应开关行为:当嵌入式霍尔元素感知嵌入式南极性磁场时,器件输出打开足够强度的垂直南极磁场以越过内部比较器开关点。该装置的独特方面是嵌入IC的硅中的片上线圈。线圈在霍尔元素周围缠绕。当逻辑I / O引脚被拉高时,该设备通过线圈通过10 mA的电流。通电线圈产生一个场,其由于线圈的近距离接近霍尔元件,足以打开设备并评估设备的整个信号路径(包括传感元件)。虽然诊断使能引脚很高,但设备输出脉冲宽度(PW)信号。如果PW信号具有50%的占空比,则设备被视为正常运行。如果PW信号具有0%或100%占空比,则设备被视为不正确的运行(参见图3)。

Figure 3: Self-diagnostics in the Allegro MicroSystems A1160

Figure 3: Self-diagnostics in the Allegro MicroSystems A1160

When the Diagnostic Enable pin is pulled high, the device outputs a diagnostic signal. A 50% duty cycle indicates proper operation.





To prevent incidental effects of shifting external magnetic fields, this particular integrated coil concept provides the additional benefit of the coil being sensed differentially by the sensing elements. This means that the diagnostics function may be used at any time, even if the device is in the presence of an external magnetic field of sufficient strength to switch-on the device under normal operation mode. Additionally, as the sensing elements are reconfigured during diagnostics mode to be sensitive to the differential field, any external fields are rejected directly at the sensing elements.



Figure 5: Typical Application Implementing a Magnetic Sensing IC Solution




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Originally published in Design News, February 2014, Copyright ©2014 UBM Electronics. Reprinted with permission.

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