Digi-Key Corporation and Sanken Electric Company Announce Global Distribution Agreement


Digi-Key Corporation and Sanken Electric Company Announce Global Distribution Agreement


小偷河瀑布,明尼苏达州,美国-全球的电子元件分销商Digi-Key Corporation是电子元件选择、供应和交付领域的行业领先者,今天宣布与Digi-Key达成全球分销协议三肯电气公司。是全球领先的模拟功率半导体产品供应商。


“Digi-Key的全球业务和广泛的产品供应将增强Sanken的核心电力IC业务,”北美董事Fumio Taku说-桑肯销售。”这种扩大的关系将使我们能够通过更加专注和有针对性的方法进一步满足客户群的多样化需求。”


Digi-Key负责全球半导体产品的副总裁马克•扎克(Mark Zack)表示:“我们很高兴将Sanken加入到我们的扩展线路卡中,并扩大与Sanken Electric Co.公司家族的关系。”他们难以置信的广泛的产品选择,加上他们在业界的卓越声誉,使他们成为我们全球扩张努力的完美人选。”

要了解更多有关Digi Key提供的Sanken产品的信息,请查看Sanken Supplier Marketing CenterDigi Key网站.


三肯电气公司。, Ltd., a leading global supplier of analog power semiconductor products, designs and manufactures a wide range of power management ICs, motor control ICs, LED lighting ICs as well as high quality automotive semiconductor devices and discrete components. Applications for Sanken products include HVAC and home appliance motor controllers, automotive engine and ancillary system controllers, TV, audio, Set Top Box and other AV equipment, LED lighting fixtures, consumer and telecommunication power supplies, and medical and military equipment power management. Sanken products are particularly suited for high-efficiency products under green energy initiatives, such as variable-speed motors, solar panels, hybrid car engines, and ENERGY STAR home appliances. Sanken is headquartered in Saitama, Japan with design, applications, and sales support centers located worldwide.

About Digi-Key Corporation

Digi-Key Corporation位于明尼苏达州的蒂夫里弗福尔斯(Theet River Falls),是一家提供电子元件原型/设计和生产数量的全球全方位服务提供商,目前提供650多家优质名牌制造商的300多万种产品www.digikey.com.

With over 860,000 products in stock, an impressive selection of online resources, and the logistical advantage of more than 800,000 square feet of expandable distribution space, Digi-Key continues to move forward, affirming its commitment to stocking the broadest range of electronic components in the industry and providing the best service possible to its customers.

Digi-Key的完全集成、互联网参与的商业模式,加上其业界领先的组件范围,可从一个地点立即在世界任何地方发货,Digi-Key与所有其他分销商明显不同。Digi-Key通过将大量库存风险和运输成本从客户转移到Digi-Key,为客户提供了一种实现高组合、低批量生产业务战略的独特方法。从原型到生产®表示“必需的”,Digi-Key组件和资源yaboAPP亚博ary to grow your business to the next level.

该公司的在线产品和资源包括yaboAPP亚博PTM公司®产品培训模块;技术区性虐待technology zones;数字键工具栏; 和移动社交中心.


Digi Key Corporation编辑联系人
Josh Olson

1-800-344-4539 x2989

