


Joseph Hollins和Ryan Metivier合著,


All over the globe, smart meters are being deployed to make energy usage reporting and monitoring more efficient and accurate. Many water meters, gas meters, and electricity meters contain smart electronics that allow the automated electronic collection and transmission of usage. According to Navigant Research1到2018年,全球智能电表年出货量将达到1.31亿只。窃电是电网运营商和政府监管机构面临的一个主要问题。智能电表正受到磁铁的攻击,试图诱使电表读数为零,或大幅减少能源使用2. 据估计,由于智能电表被篡改,每年有近900亿美元的能源被盗2.

Figure 1


One method employed in tampering with electronic meters is using strong magnets to disrupt the meter’s ability to detect power consumption3. 磁铁通常非常坚固,可能相对较大且较重。像这样的磁铁可以在网上购买,也可以从废弃的电子产品和电脑(电子垃圾)中回收。当这些磁铁靠近电表时,它们开始对电流互感器进行磁饱和,电流互感器用于检测通过电表的电流。磁芯的饱和基本上使电表“看不清”流过它的电流有多少。


To be effective, a magnetic sensor used to detect tampering must have the following features:

  • 高灵敏度:即使施加在系统外部的磁铁可能很强,磁铁的磁场强度也会随着距离的增加呈指数衰减。传感器内部位置的磁场强度可能远低于磁铁表面的磁场强度。如果灵敏度不够高,仪表中使用的某些部件可能会扭曲外加磁场,导致传感器检测区域出现“阴影”或“孔洞”。
  • 高动态范围:一些磁感应技术对磁场有上限。霍尔效应技术对外加磁场没有上限。全极敏感性:篡改企图的实施者不太可能会注意到磁铁的哪个磁极适用于系统的情况,或者他们可能只是简单地尝试所有磁极来找到一个有效的磁极。无论磁铁的方向如何,传感器都应检测磁场。
  • 全向灵敏度:许多传统的磁传感器只对单个方向或平面上的磁场敏感。由于外部磁铁可以以任何方向应用于仪表表面上的任何暴露点(正面、顶部、底部或侧面),因此传感器在所有三个方向(X、Y和Z)上的灵敏度应相同。

In general terms, the field strength of a magnet decays exponentially as it is moved further away from the magnet. As an example, a large (50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm) rare-earth magnet with a surface magnetic strength of 6000 G (600 mT) will have a magnetic field of approximately 600 G (60 mT) when measured 50 mm away (one times the thickness). Figure 2 illustrates this phenomenon. A smaller magnet will have less “reach” than a larger magnet. As a rule of thumb, approximately 1/10th of the magnet field at the surface will be present at a distance equivalent to the thickness of the magnet.

Figure 2

图2:磁场与磁极距离(mm)50 mm×50 mm×50 mm N45磁铁


The most popular legacy solution for magnetic sensing has been the Hall-effect sensor IC. These ICs detect magnetic fields using the Hall effect, named after Edwin Hall, who in 1879 discovered that a voltage potential develops across a current-carrying conductive plate when a magnetic field passes through the plate in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate4. 如图3所示,电流被施加到导电板上。垂直于极板的磁场(电流)将导致极板上产生差分电压。传感器测量该电压作为外加磁场的指示。注意,传统的平面霍尔效应传感器只能测量垂直于传感板或表面的磁场。在表面贴装集成电路的情况下,板通常平行于安装传感器的PCB平面。无论传感器的方向/旋转如何,仅有效感测Z维度中的场。

Effectively sensing X and Y fields would require additional sensors mounted on separate PCBs at right angles to each other and to the motherboard or leaded sensors installed and possibly lead-formed such that the Hall plates are oriented correctly. Both of the approaches drive up component count and cost, system complexity, and assembly cost. It may be possible to install a large number of traditional planar Hall sensors and rely on “fringe” fields to activate them, but, again, this drives up system cost and complexity.

Various magnetoresistive technologies have been used to create magnetic sensor ICs. These sensors usually have a planar response, i.e., they may detect fields in the X-Y plane but have limited response to Z fields. In addition, very high fields can actually cause the sensor to saturate and malfunction (limited dynamic range). Since the expectation is that tampering will be attempted using a large field, this is a significant limitation.

Figure 3



Planar: Laid out across the width and length of the chip; will only sense Z dimension regardless of orientation


平面霍尔元件对垂直于IC封装表面的场敏感,而垂直霍尔效应器件对平行于模具的轴敏感,如X或Y尺寸。图4显示了垂直门厅板的构造细节。两个垂直霍尔传感器与一个集成电路中的平面霍尔传感器相结合,形成了一个磁传感器,它可以感应磁场而不受方向(X、Y和Z)的影响,并且不受高强度磁场的影响。在过去,这种解决方案需要三个离散的集成电路,需要高达56毫米2of PCB area. The recently introduced A1266 from Allegro MicroSystems, LLC is an example of such a device (See Figure 5) in a small, surface-mount SOT-23W package requiring just 9 mm2印刷电路板。A1266还具有非常高的灵敏度(工作点,B操作)因此,它可以检测到大面积或大体积的篡改企图5. 可用技术的比较如表1所示。

Figure 4


Figure 5



技术 极性 方向性
(Highest Sensitivity)
平面大厅 全极 Z only 最流行的传统方法
垂直大厅 全极 十、 Y或其他平面内方向 磁感应集成电路的前沿技术
磁电阻(MR) 全极 X-Y plane May invert at high field

不同传感器响应的映射清楚地显示了高灵敏度、全向、全极性传感器的优越性。以下地图假设一个大的矩形仪表,其表面尺寸高达290 mm×165 mm,以及一个50 mm×50 mm×50 mm N45磁铁(见图6和图7)。

被测传感器位于电表中间,距离正面35 mm。磁铁是移动的长度和宽度的仪表前面10毫米以上的表面使用机器人测绘站。图8显示了为映射传感器响应而设置的映射站。

Figure 6


Figure 7

Figure 7: Magnet Orientation (S-pole to face of meter)

Figure 8




In either case, multiple sensors can be used to cover larger areas or volumes. However, fewer instances of the 3D sensor will be needed to cover a large area/volume. In the example shown, the magnet was in the ideal orientation for detection by a conventional planar Hall (1D) sensor. The performance indicated by Figure 9 may degrade in cases where the magnet is applied in other orientations or to the sides of the meter.

这突出了3D传感器的另一个优势,即它能够检测随机施加在仪表外部的磁场。对于较小的电表,例如典型的单相住宅电表,单个3D传感器IC可能足以覆盖整个电表。通过结合平面和垂直霍尔元件,像Allegro MicroSystems,LLC的A1266这样的设备能够检测大面积/大体积的磁篡改,而且几乎不考虑磁铁的方向。这大大简化了系统设计,并允许使用最少数量的传感器进行最敏感的篡改检测。亚博棋牌游戏

Figure 9

Figure 9: Tamper coverage (43%) with 1D planar Hall-effect sensor (blue denotes detection region)

Figure 10

Figure 10: Tamper coverage (92%) with 3D Hall-effect sensor (blue denotes detection region)




地区 机构/标准 Link
中国 塞普里 www.cepri.com.cn
南瑞 www.narigroup.com
国家电网公司 www.sgcc.com.cn/ywlm/index.shtml
德国 DIN www.din.de/en
VDE/FNN www.vde.com/en/Pages/Homepage.aspx
印度 Bureau of Industry Standards www.bis.org.in
中央电力局 www.cea.nic.in/regulations.html
IEEE(印度) smartgrid.ieee.org/yaboAPP亚博resources/public-政策/印度
电力部 indiasmartgrid.org/en/technology/Pages/Advanced-Metering-Infrastructure.aspx
多个 IEEE–智能电网 smartgrid.ieee.org
国际电工委员会 www.iec.ch/index.htm
主要联盟 www.prime-alliance.org/?p=68个
U.S.A. ANSI标准 www.ansi.org
NEMA公司 www.nema.org


1纳维甘特研究公司(Navigant Research)的理查德•马丁(Richard Martin)表示,2018年(2013年7月11日)全球智能电表的年出货量将达到1.31亿台的峰值(https://www.navigantsearch.com/newsroom/global-smart-meter-unit-shippings-will-peak-at-131-million-yearly-in-2018年)


3FBI: Smart Meter Hacks Likely to Spread, April 9, 2012, Krebs on Security (http://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/04/fbi-smart-meter-hacks-likely-to-spread/)

4Allegro霍尔效应传感器IC,Shaun Milano,Allegro MicroSys亚博棋牌游戏tems,LLC(//www.wangzuanquan.com/en/insights-and-innovations/technical-documents/hall-effect-sensor-ic-publications/allegro-hall-effect-sensor-ics)

5A1266微功率超灵敏3D霍尔效应开关数据表,Allegro MicroSystems,LLC(亚博棋牌游戏//www.wangzuanquan.com/en/products/sense/switches-and-latches/micropower-switches-latches/a1266)

原载于EDN China,2016年1月。经允许转载。