Racing to Meet the Challenges of Electrification

Racing to Meet the Challenges of Electrification


通过Rick Fennelly,营销经理,
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC

走vernments around the world, including the European Union and United States, have placed mandatory fuel economy standards on combustion engines to reduce emissions. These initiatives will require innovative advances in technologies, driving the demand for increased efficiencies, placing additional burden on design teams, and potentially impacting development cycle times.

焦点领域将制定减少车辆发动机负荷的策略。从燃料的大约15%的能量用于将车辆移动到道路上 - 平衡由发动机和传动系统的效率低下消耗。1因此,降低负载将使发动机更有效地工作,从而有助于降低燃料消耗。挑战是在维护或提高整体驾驶体验的同时提供平等或增强的性能。为实现这一目标,对电动机正在使用代替传统的皮带驱动系统的汽车的电气化需求不断增长。为此,汽车应用中的电动汽车世界市场正在以4.7%的复合年增长率(CAGR)在4.7%的情况下增长.2,特别是汽车应用中的直流无刷亚博尊贵会员电机市场预计推出市场增长两倍其他电机类型,2014年至2019年的单元CAGR 6.3%。2

Improving these systems with electrical solutions has created new challenges for Tier 1 manufacturers, where these new innovations require an increase in staff and development time. Designers are looking for methods to reduce the development cycle while maintaining high performance goals. As a result, BLDC motor control is increasing in market share. For example, a vehicle water pump which is traditionally belt driven has transitioned to an electrical motor. This is needed for start-stop systems which improve efficiency and reduces emissions. To keep engine coolant circulating, an electrical motor replaces the belt driven pump. Other systems affected by engine start-stop systems requiring conversion to BLDC motors include hydraulic and oil pumps.

A new generation of motor driver ICs that up-integrate complex commutation algorithms simplifies the engineering design of a BLDC motor control system. Companies such as Allegro MicroSystems, LLC have developed proven algorithms for trapezoidal and sinusoidal control for both sensor and sensorless BLDC motors so that engineers are not challenged with writing and validating software, helping them to meet aggressive timelines.



Allegro offers highly integrated gate driver ICs, such as the A4960 and A4962 sensorless BLDC drivers. These devices incorporate on-chip sensorless trapezoidal commutation, as well as high-power gate drive to enhance the external inverter bridge. Up-integration of functions usually programmed in a microprocessor make these devices capable of standalone operation by integrating closed-loop speed or torque control. Comprehensive diagnostics feed back to the ECU, providing detail about synchronization, overvoltage, undervoltage, or shorted MOSFET conditions. Single wire operation can be achieved by sending fault diagnostics over the PWM input.

The highly versatile algorithms offer a wide range of programming parameters, enabling engineering to reuse hardware for different products by simply modifying parameters within on-chip EEPROM. This makes Allegro’s programmable motor drivers easy to use and reuse for a wide variety of motors, loads, and applications. Up-integrated ICs, along with Allegro programming tools, simplify workflow and shorten design cycles, promoting customer innovation. These solutions enable manufacturers to achieve demanding fuel economy standards through electrification while also providing improved performance to the end customer.


展望,车辆自主权将推动车辆电气化的持续趋势。IHS汽车将在2025年之前将销售接近60万辆自治车辆。此外,IHS预计2025年至2035年的复合年增长率(CAGR)至2035年至近2100万辆的自治车辆。3.This growth will spur an increasing demand for electrical motor control where system integration will continue to drive designers to look for innovative solutions. Additionally, autonomous vehicles will need to incorporate redundant systems as a matter of safety to consumers where the automobile will be making an increasing number of decisions for the driver—or with some functions, may remove the driver from the decision-making process entirely.4.

公司如快板微系统,LLC是曲线亚博棋牌游戏ntly manufacturing and will continue to develop future products meeting the ISO 26262 safety standard. The Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) defined by the ISO 26262 standard contains requirements for both the development process and for the design of safety-related electronic systems in road vehicles. This requirement reaches IC component suppliers by requiring more content integrated into existing solutions and the capability of running diagnostics and communicating their status.5 These innovative products help engineers simplify their designs and design cycles by providing supervisory and verification functions up-integrated within the IC.

随着汽车市场继续创新,以满足更好的性能和提高燃油经济性的需求,并且随着自主车辆市场的预期增长,电动机系统将继续发挥越来越大的作用,在为机械系统提供更有效的替代方案方面发挥着越来越大的作用。因此,设计工程师将寻找尖端解决方案,可简化其设计过程,同时提供有助于他们开发具有成本效益的竞争产品的增值功能。Allegro Microsyste亚博棋牌游戏ms,LLC等公司已经认识到这一需求,并留在提供创新的新产品的最前沿,这些产品将满足汽车未来的苛刻要求。

文章发表在汉斯汽车,2017年3月. Reprinted with permission.