Latching Switch Hall-Effect IC Basics

Latching Switch Hall-Effect IC Basics

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提供四种一般的霍尔效应IC设备,提供数字输出:单极开关,双极开关,全峰开关和锁存器。锁存开关在本应用笔记中描述。类似的应用笔记unipolar switches双极交换机,和omnipolar switches提供在Allegro™网站上。

Latching Hall-effect sensor ICs, often referred to as "latches," are digital output Hall-effect switches that latch output states. Latches are similar to bipolar switches, having a positive Bop.和负面B.rp.,但提供对切换行为的紧密控制。闩锁需要正极和负磁场来操作。呈现足够强度(磁通密度)的南极(正)磁场的磁铁将导致装置切换到其上的状态。当该设备接通时,它锁存状态并保持接通,即使磁场被移除,直到呈现足够强度的北极性(负)磁场。当呈现否定字段时,设备已关闭。它锁存了改变的状态并保持关闭,即使磁场被移除,直到再次呈现足够强度的南极(正)磁场。





以下是用于定义过渡点的术语,或者switchpoints.那of Hall switch operation:

Figure 2

Figure 2. The Hall effect refers to the measurable voltage present when an applied current is influenced by a perpendicular magnetic field.

  • B.- 用于磁通密度的符号,用于确定HALL器件开关点的磁场的属性。在高斯(g)或tesla(t)中测量。转换为1g = 0.1 mt。

    B可以具有北极或南极极性,因此请记住代数惯例是有用的,由此B被指示为北极磁场的负值,以及作为南极性磁场的正值。本公约允许北方和南极度值的算术比较,其中该字段的相对强度由B的绝对值表示,并且标志表示该字段的极性。例如,A - 100克(北)场和100克(南)场具有等效强度,但极性相反。以同样的方式,a - 100g字段比a-50 g字段强。

  • B.op.− Magnetic operate point; the level of a strengthening magnetic field at which a Hall device switches on. The resulting state of the device output depends on the individual device electronic design.
  • B.rp.- 磁释放点;霍尔器件关闭的弱化磁场的水平(或用于某些类型的霍尔设备,给出阳性b的强化负面的水平op.)。所得到的设备输出状态取决于各个设备电子设计。
  • B.HYS− Magnetic switchpoint hysteresis. The transfer function of a Hall device is designed with this offset between the switchpoints to filter out small fluctuations in the magnetic field that can result from mechanical vibration or electromagnetic noise in the application. BHYS= |B.op.- B.rp.|.


锁存传感器IC的开关点围绕中性场级对称,B = 0 g,如图3所示。开关点处于等于场强,但在极性相反。例如,如果操作点,Bop.,是85克(表明南极的正值),释放点,Brp.那is − 85 G (a negative value indicating north polarity). Latching the latest state prevents the devices from switching while subject to weak fields.

A latching switch turns on in a strong south polarity field, and the resulting output signal is logic low (at the output transistor saturation voltage, V出(坐)那usually <200 mV). A latching switch turns off in a strong north polarity field, and the resulting output signal is at logic high (up to full supply voltage, VCC.)。B.ecause the switched state is latched, these devices do not switch while the magnetic field is in the switchpoint hysteresis range, between Bop.和B.rp.。因为在切换之前必须交叉0g点,所以滞后范围比其他类型的霍尔开关相对宽。

Figure 3


尽管该装置可以在任何级别的磁通密度上接通,但是对于图3的说明,尽管在左侧的距离开始,但是磁通量(水平轴上)的磁通(B,水平轴上)的偏置率小于brp.或B.op.。Here the device is off, and the output voltage (VOUT那on the vertical axis) is high.

Following the arrows toward the right, the magnetic field becomes increasingly positive. When the field is more positive than Bop.那the device turns on. This causes the output voltage to change to the opposite state, low.

虽然磁场比b更积极rp.,设备保持打开,输出状态保持不变。即使B变得略低于B,这也是如此op.那within the built-in zone of switching hysteresis, BHYS

Following the arrows back toward the left, the magnetic field becomes less positive and then more negative. When the magnetic field again drops below Brp.那the device turns off. This causes the output to change back to the original state.





上拉电阻必须连接在正电源和输出引脚之间(参见图4)。上拉电阻的通用值是1至10kΩ。最小上拉电阻是传感器IC最大输出电流(吸收电流)和实际电源电压的函数。20 mA是典型的最大输出电流,在这种情况下,最小上拉将是vCC./ 0.020 A.如果电流消耗是一个问题的情况下,上升电阻可能大约50至100kΩ。小心:具有大的上拉值,可以邀请外部泄漏电流接地,即使当器件磁性关闭时,也足以降低输出电压。这不是设备问题,而是相当是在上拉电阻器和传感器IC输出引脚之间的导体中发生的泄漏。采取至极端,这可以缩小传感器IC输出电压,足以抑制适当的外部逻辑功能。



Use of Bypass Capacitors


  • 对于没有斩波稳定的设计 - 建议将0.01μF电容放置在输出和接地销之间以及供电和接地引脚之间。
  • 对于具有斩波稳定的设计 - 电源和接地引脚之间必须放置0.1μF电容,并且在输出和接地引脚之间建议使用0.01μF电容。


仅当磁场强度超过B时,锁存电源op.或B.rp.应用电源时。如果磁场强度在滞后带中,则在B之间op.和B.rp.那the device can assume either an on or off state initially, and then attains the correct state at the first excursion beyond a switchpoint. Devices can be designed with power-on logic that sets the device off until a switchpoint is reached.


Power-on time depends to some extent on the device design. Digital output sensor ICs, such as the latching device, reach stability on initial power-on in the following times.

Device type Power-on time
Non-chopped designs (such as A1210 family) <4 µs
斩波稳定(如A1220家族) <25μs.



Total power dissipation is the sum of two factors:

  • Power consumed by the sensor IC, excluding power dissipated in the output. This value is VCC.电源电流的时间。V.CC.是否在数据表上指定了设备电源电压和电源电流。例如,给定VCC.= 12 V and Supply current = 9 mA. Power dissipation = 12 × 0.009 or 108 mW.
  • 输出晶体管中消耗的功率。这个值是v(开)(坐)times the output current (set by the pull-up resistor). If V(开)(坐)是0.4 V(最坏情况),输出电流为20 mA(通常最坏情况),功耗耗散为0.4×0.02 = 8兆瓦。正如您所看到的,因为饱和电压非常低,输出中的功率不受巨大的关注。

该示例的总功耗为108 + 8 = 116 MW。将此号码占用在问题的数据表中的额额可图中,并检查是否必须减少最大允许操作温度。


Q: How do I orient the magnets?

A: The magnet poles are oriented towards the branded face of the device. The branded face is where you will find the identification markings of the device, such as partial part number or date code.







Q: Why would I want a chopper-stabilized device?


Suggested Devices


Low-power latches are listed atMicropower Switches/Latches


  • 速度感应
  • Rotary encoder
  • Revolution counting
  • Flow meter
  • B.rushless motor commutation
  • 防捏天窗/窗升电机换向

Application Notes on Related Device Types
